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By Gloria at 2014-07-14 22:33:51
As time goes by the frequency of having a "day where I found nothing of value" increases. This feeling of "I accomplished nothing" is diablo 3 paragon levels very frustrating.

Income becomes "too random" for players. As time passes the chance of getting a "jackpot" item decreases and the chance of getting a "bust" item increases. The jackpots may become bigger and it might average out to be about the same but this unsteady income and often low returns for playing are very frustrating. Some amount of random chance of random success is good.

I have been told that 90 to 95% of Legendaries players find in Softcore becomes Brimstones. This number may even be higher. The vast majority of rares are also worthless. A Diablo player can toil for many hours without increasing their wealth. The issue with item saturation is that this huge percentage of items that are worthless gets larger as time passes. If nothing changes in Diablo players may salvage 99% of the legendaries they find. As time passes, the feeling that a player made no wealth playing Diablo becomes more frequent. Surprisingly, increasing the quality of drops is not the solution. Quality does not always equate to value. Increasing the quality of drops temporarily improves a player chance of finding a valuable item. However, as time passes the frequency of finding a valuable item will continue to fall. This increased frequency of finding nothing of value is the key component of Item Saturation that should be combated.

The best of the best items need be removed or "not be the best". For example there needs to be some way to remove 6% Critical Hit Mempos or make them no longer the best.

There are no simple solutions and every solution has massive downsides.

Ladder seasons. This option doesn solve the problem but eliminates the symptoms when the economy gets too bad. This solution is essentially "We blow up the economy and start over when it gets too bad and then when it gets bad again we will just blow it up again."

There are various other positives and negatives to ladder seasons such as some players enjoy competing and racing against each other to high levels a negative where not all players and characters can play together in the same game.

Ethereal style top end items or all items eventually break permanently over time. The negative to this solution is that the items players worked hard for will no longer always be there. I can respect the notion that a player wants his character and all his gear to be just like it is now and always available to play. This option will eventually destroy a player hard earned 6% Crit Mempo etc. Some people won like that.

Make better items. This option is like ladder seasons: the problem still exists but is regularly alleviated. Eventually the new "good items" will lose value and the new "great items" will be the only ones that hold value.

Make items more likely to be good. This solution does not alleviate the problem. There will still be vast differences in prices between "Good" and "Great items. See Inna Temperences as an example. Inna Temperence has very little variability. A 150 Dex/50 Vit Inna Temp is about 40M right now. Add 10 Dex and 160/50 is 79M. Add 10 more dex to 170/50 and the price is 180M. A main stat increase of 20 increases the value of the item nearly 5x. I suspect that the new "good items" will eventually decrease in value while the new "great items" will maintain or rise in value. The difference in power between the "good" and the "great" might be small like in the Inna Temperence example above. I do not have tracked data on items with such a small gap in power. I am looking to come up with a few and track them.

Increase the base minimum income by making common materials more expensive. This helps alleviate some of the feelings that "I played today and got nowhere" by ensuring some income but the concept that "most items will be bust and jackpots become increasingly rare and big" still exists.

I believe this is one thing (among many) Blizzard tried to accomplish with the new crafting options. However, crafting materials have not retained their increase in value and are falling in price.

Create more item sinks. For an item sink to address the issue of "Item Saturation" the item sink must be used on the best of the best items. Current item sinks, like salvaging, do not encourage a player to destroy their 6% Critical Hit Mempo. Unless an item sink does encourage a player to put their 6% Critical Hit Mempo at risk of destruction then it does not address Item Saturation. I am unsure of what such an item sink would be.

Create more gold sinks. Gold sinks cause the price of all items to go down. Gold sinks do not address the relative value of "Good" items and "Great" items. For example, increased gold sinks might cause the price of a "Good" Natalya Footprint with 140 Dex/40 Vit to go from 11M gold to 1M gold. The price of a "Great" Natalya Footprint might go from 95M to 9.5M. The gap between "Good" and "Great" still exists and the rate of "I found an item worth nothing" still rises.

Make the best items Bind on Account. Bind on Account items does not solve the Item Saturation issue of a growing feeling of "I played Diablo and accomplished nothing" today. For many classes rare amulets are best possible items. After patch 1.07 the best possible amulets for many classes are now crafted amulets. Post 1.07 it is harder to find a rare amulet drop that has value to sell on the auction house. As time passes there is growing difficulty of finding an amulet of value. Also, each subsequent upgrade to an amulet through crafting takes longer to obtain. If an amulet upgrade takes, on average, 300 crafts, the next amulet upgrade will take a larger amount of crafts. Each day there is an increasing gap between "Good" and "Great and an increased feeling of "I played Diablo 3 and found nothing."

Make the best items Bind on Equip. This MAY help alleviate the issue of item saturation. The alleviation would occur because Bind on Equip prevents a player from selling their old item on the auction house. There is no longer the same build up of "good items". However, it is conceivably possible that the relative rates of "good items" and "great items" hitting the auction house is the same as it is now and the same issue of falling value of "good items" and maintained or rising value of "great items" still exists. I do not think this would be the case but I have nothing but my own speculation and I do not believe I have a way to collect data/examples. The negative to "Bind on Equip" is that many players enjoy the ability to give old items to friends or sell old items on the auction house. Loaning items, trying items, trading items, and selling items would be hindered and this is a major negative to some players.

For example, perhaps $100 buys you 20 dozen eggs, 30 gallons of gas, or 50 loaves of bread. In a month $100 only buys you 10 dozen eggs, 20 gallons of gas or 30 loaves of bread. The same amount of currency gets you less stuff. The price on everything has risen. This is inflation

Prices are not rising like this in Diablo 3. Gold is being destroyed. More gold sinks do not solve the problem of "Item Saturation." Prices on most items are falling. This is not inflation.

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